No, you may not request we change the server you are on. The shared servers are all the same, and we constantly monitor them for problems. If you are experiencing downtime or service interruptions, we can fix this.
We have a 99.9% uptime guarantee to honor, so we will not let you suffer for long. We quickly respond to any problems on shared servers. It would be much more difficult and time consuming for you and Osirion to even start the migration process, rather than just wait for your server to return to normal.
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If you insist on moving servers, we offer you this process:
- Order a new hosting account of the type you want moved.
- Pay for the new hosting plan, and wait for us to activate it.
- Transfer your content and databases to the new account. (Osirion does not offer free content transfers in this scenario, but you can get a quoted price.) It would be much more difficult and time consuming for you and Osirion to even start the migration process, rather than just wait for your server to return to normal.
- Update your name servers (DNS).
- Wait 72 hours, then cancel your unwanted, previous hosting account.